Success through disruptive technology

The market goes through constant transformations and this affects your company directly or indirectly, regardless of its size or segment. After all, over the years, new solutions are discovered, tested and put on sale to consumers. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the news and use the disruptive technology in your favor.

An Information Technology (IT) professional needs to get used to reinventing himself and not be afraid of the novelties. In a first moment, this can seem complicated, but who doesn’t follow this trend ends up loosing space to the competition, besides not being able to attract new clients, neither maintain the fidelity of the old ones.

Without using the internet, a cell phone or computer, for instance, you wouldn’t be able to read this text, would you? The technology is disruptive due to the needs of users and companies, surpassing the solutions that existed in the past, which led to information through the radio, newspapers and magazines.

To ensure productivity and competitiveness in the face of competition, your company needs to learn how to work with this concept in order to achieve positive results and improve your activities. However, many managers and entrepreneurs have difficulties in these hours, either due to lack of knowledge or lack of preparation.

Are you interested in knowing more details about disruptive technology? Then, this post will help you to understand a little more about the subject.

The role of disruptive technology in IT success

First, it is necessary to understand what this term means in practice. Disruptive technology represents a product or service that surpasses what is already available on the market, becoming a competitive advantage over outdated competition.

In other words, it fills the existing space with an innovative solution, which is often quite different from the old methodology. In some cases, it is possible that it uses some characteristics of its predecessor, presenting relevant points that optimize the user experience and, therefore, gain popularity in the market and expand rapidly.

Mobile phones are good examples of this. Initially, they were created to meet the demands of corporate customers, who needed to communicate at any time and place. As people realized that their benefits considerably outweighed those offered by landline telephony, cell phones gained more and more space.

Computers are also an important example of disruptive technology. This same research indicates that there are 162.8 million tablets, notebooks and desktops in the national territory, representing a ratio of four devices per person. After all, they are not only used at home, but also in commercial establishments, schools, universities and, mainly, in the corporate environment.

With so many changes faster and faster, a company that does not adapt to the novelties of the market is doomed to failure. This happens because disruptive technologies arise when you least expect them. As success is achieved, the portion of the population that has access to them grows.

The benefits of disruptive technology

Using disruptive technology in your business offers several advantages for the company. The first is the constant updating of IT processes and resources, but far beyond that, it ensures compliance – compliance with standards and laws – and security. Below we will talk about the main benefits in applying disruptive technology.

Virtualization of environments

Virtualization is the process of making something available in the virtual environment, inside a program on the computer or in the cloud (internet). Then, virtualization of environments makes this digital version functional, allowing you to save space and costs, and automate processes, optimize infrastructure and centralize management.

Another advantage that deserves to be highlighted in this disruptive technology are the test environments. Present in the virtualization of hardware and physical components, test environments allow the IT manager to emulate any system to test its performance, including actual company values.

This allows a new technology to be tested even before it is purchased. This reduces investment costs, as well as reduces time to adapt and configure the new system. There are also cases of software updates that can be virtualized to understand the changes and test the features, reducing failures and bugs that can occur with the updates.

The most modern virtualization systems use only the cloud to emulate, store and distribute their virtual environments. This ensures more mobility for processes, as the manager can access the platform from any point with internet. In addition, centralized management is eminent and facilitates the understanding of system data.

Better use of data

Disruptive technologies are endowed with the capacity to store data, in addition to being integrated with reading software to understand, categorize, distribute and evaluate the stored information. Many of these innovations already rely on Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is responsible for the capacity of machines to solve simple problems, such as reading and understanding information.

This capability allows the entire company to be measured in data generated by reports. Managers gain access to an infinite source of information that can be used to improve processes, optimize the use of resources, work better marketing, serve more customers, attract more public, understand the profile of those who consume the products and a multitude of other utilities.